Present projects in implementation
Regular production and installation of solar street lights of various capacities in on.
At present GIT uses normal florescent tube lights which are energy inefficient and deliver bluish tinged light. We can install photo sensitive LED based lighting and reduce the power consumption to ¼. We are developing an intelligent circuit to maintain the lux levels at student desk consistently based on the available day light that enters classrooms/professors rooms. That way the lights are dynamically adjusted by electronics circuit to maintain the exact luminosity required. This project will be first of its kind in India and will attract good attention of the industry leaders and will go long way in maintain the constant ambient light in the rooms.
GIT has vast lines of corridors and they are lighted up in the evening with normal power to CFL or some times led bulbs. They need to be switched on in the evenings and switched of in the mornings making the routine for the guards. We are experimenting with out low cost street light circuit and a suitable lighting dome in the corridor. This light is properly connected with 10/20 watt panel which is mounted on the building for charging the solar light corridor light.
100 KW solar project to be completed by June. In principle approved and process started.
Energy consumption data of various depts/divisions/rooms or functions in the GIT is collected and being analyzed. Various strategies of meeting those requirements/upgrading to leds/solar pumps/energy efficient ACs is being worked out.

Technology developments under progress
- Low cost solar streetlight: present cost of solar street light is anything upward Rs. 10000 in the minimum. There is always a need and demand for low cost street light that is equaling to a 40 watt tube light (8 watt led light delivering 1000 lumens light) that costs less than Rs. 5000
- Photo sensitive classroom light.
Collaborations in progress
- Indian association for technical education: this society is the apex body meant to provide —- services to the engineering, polytechnic and other institutes in the country. Several rounds of discussions/site visits are made with the office bearers of the association. An ideal energy generation/conservation/optimal utilization plan is being developed. After successfully implementing some or all of those components in GIT, a big campaign/website/app will be launched and solar renewable energy practices will be popularized for quick adoption by the technical institutes across the country.
- Concept document – for sustainable technical education project
- Solar failed/defunct street lights – a great concept of recycling
- GOI science cluster project