The centre has received visitors from several high schools, polytechnics, and degree colleges. 21 of such visits are done till march 31st. these students are encouraged to observe, participate, ask questions on solar and related renewable energy subjects.

Generally students in a group of 30 to 40 arrive with their teachers and spend 1.30 to 2 hrs in the centre and pose useful and valid questions and are jovial to assemble a light in half an hour (in groups) students are accompanied by teachers and principles who equally enjoy the centre’s industrial ambience.

Annual Students Training Report (Updated: February, 2025)

S#Name of the CollegeName of Student(s)Number of StudentsDepartmentTenureImages
1Sanjay Godawat UniversitySherayas Sanjay Chaughale1Electrical and Electronics Engineering5 monthsLink
2Marathwada Mitra Mandal College of EngineeringNikhil M Patil1Electrical Engineering5 months
3Gharda Insitute of TechnologyChinmayee Ingavale, Rujali Joshi, Mansi Telange, Siddhi Patil4Electronics and Telecommunication Department15 days .Link
4Gharda Insitute of TechnologySecond Year department27Electronics and Telecommunication Department
5Yashwantrao Polytechnic College, SwantwadiKaustubh Kadne1Mechanical Engineering2 monthsLink
6Government Polytechnic, RatnagiriTejas Mhadlekar1Mechanical Engineering2 monthsLink
7Sahyadhri Polytechnic, SawrdeNilesh Mhade1Mechanical Engineering1.5 monthsLink
8Dapoli Agricultural UniversityShaik Noorus and Durgesh Benar2Agricultural Technology4 monthsLink
9Gharda Insitute of TechnologyChoughale Kiran and Phale Piyush2EXTC15 Days
10Gharda Insitute of TechnologyArya Tiwirekar1Computer Department4 months and continuing
11Gharda Insitute of TechnologyDalvi Sayee, Sakshi Mhatre, Kadam Pranita2Computer and AIML Dept15 daysLink 1, Link 2
12Gharda Insitute of TechnologyTambe Imaduddin, Bhakshe Adnan, Wangde Mohd, Zaid Mujeeb3Mechanical Engineering15 days
13Gharda Insitute of TechnologyMore Yash Pravin1Be mechanical15 days
14Government Industrial Training Institute, Chiplun16 students20Electrical and Wireman Trade17 daysLink 1, Link 2, Link 3
15Rameshwar Shikshan Sanstha Private Industrial Training Institute, Dabhil15 students15Electrical and Wireman Trade17 daysLink 1, Link 2

Total number of students trained: 72

Upcoming Programs

  • 13th May 2025 onwards: Training for teachers from Nashik Deolali
  • 15th May 2025 onwards: Training for batch of 18, ITI Students

Other Training Programs

S#Name of the CollegeName of Student(s)Number of StudentsDepartmentTenureImages
1Manipur Ukhrul villagesHSC pass815 daysLink
2Sunbird TrustHSC pass215 daysLink
3Pragati Prerna FoundationHSC pass215 daysLink 1, Link 2
4Solar Youth Training ProgramGraduation67 daysLink
5Nashik TraineesITI and Electrical Contractors25 days
6Devrai FoundationHSC Students45 days
